
Angular is a framework designed for building high-performance cross-platform JavaScript applications. Angular
The Angular Firebase Project Course
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Javascript 2020 Predictions

New features, disruptive trends, and awesome tools coming to a JavaScript near you in the year 2020.

#javascript #react #angular #vue #svelte

Graphql Basics Tutorial

Learn the basics of GraphQL and Apollo by interacting with the SpaceX API

#graphql #apollo #typescript #angular

Algolia Instantsearch with Angular

Algolia Instantsearch with Angular 8

#angular #algolia

The Angular Firebase Project Course

Build a high-performance PWA with Angular and Firebase from scratch.

#pro #angular #pwa #firebase #firestore #node #cloud-run

Build a Chatbot With Dialogflow

Build a fullstack conversational experience with Dialogflow and Firebase Cloud Functions.

#cloud-functions #node #dialogflow #angular

Link Preview Angular

Build a Link Preview Component with Ionic Angular

#angular #ionic #cloud-functions

Ionic 4 Firebase Master Course

Build a cross-platform app from scratch with Ionic 4, Angular, and Firebase.

#ionic #angular #firebase #pro

SendGrid Angular

Send transactional email with SendGrid from Angular

#angular #sendgrid

PayPal Checkout

Accept PayPal Checkout payments with Angular, React, or Vue

#angular #react #vue #payments #paypal

Firebase Performance Quickstart

Learn how to get up and running with Firebase Performance in an Angular app.

#firebase #performance #angular

How to Upgrade Angular Packages

How to upgrade to the latest packages in Angular


Lazy Loaded Routes Angular V8 with Ivy

Setup Lazy Loaded Routes in Angular 8 with Ivy and Dynamic Imports


Stripe Elements and Checkout with Angular

Create a form that collects and validates credit card details in Angular with Stripe Elements & Checkout.

#stripe #angular #firebase #payments

GitHub Action deploying Angular App to Firebase Hosting

A step-by-step guide to create a GitHub Action to deploy your Angular App to Firebase Hosting.

#firebase #github #angular #devops

Upload Multiple Files to Firebase Storage with Angular

Build a dropzone file uploader in Angular that can send multiple files to Firebase storage simultaneously.

#firebase #angular #cloud-storage

Angular Router Animations Guide

Build beautiful router animations in Angular to transition between page changes.

#angular #animation

TypeScript Decorators by Example

Learn how to use TypeScript decorators to create elegant abstractions with JavaScript code.

#typescript #react #angular

Realtime Presence with Angular + Firebase

Build a realtime user presence system with AngularFire to detect when a user is online, offline, or away.

#angular #realtimedb #firebase

Angular Universal SSR Cookbook

Common recipes and solutions for serverside rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal


Angular Universal SSR with Firebase

A comprehensive guide to server-side rendering with Angular Universal and Firebase

#angular #firebase #cloud-functions #node

Improving long relative paths import

Learn how to improve long relative import paths in a large Angular application.

#typescript #sass #angular

Return an @angular/fire User as a Promise

How to return an AngularFire user as a promise

#angular #rxjs #firebase

Google OAuth with @angular/fire

Build a Firebase Google signin user authentication flow with @angular/fire that saves custom user data to the Firestore.

#firebase #angular #firestore #auth

Install @angular/fire

How to install @angular/fire, aka AngularFire2

#angular #firebase

Install Angular

How to install Angular


Infinite Virtual Scroll with the Angular CDK

Build an Infinite Virtual Scroll with the Angular CDK

#angular #animation

Group Chat with Firestore

Design a Firestore group chat feature and build it from scratch with Angular.

#angular #firebase

Ionic Routing and Navigation Guide

Learn routing and navigation basics in Ionic v4 using the Angular Router.

#ionic #angular

Ionic Intro Slider for New Users

Build a slider tutorial in Ionic 4 to educate new users how to use your app.

#ionic #angular

Using ViewChild in Ionic to Call Component Methods

ViewChild is an important tool in Ionic that can be used to call API methods on components.

#ionic #angular

Advanced Firestore Usage Guide with Angular

A variety of tips and snippets that make AngularFire v5 and Firestore easier to use.

#pro #firestore #firebase #angular

Auto-save Reactive Form with Firestore

Build reactive forms that preload and autosave data with Firestore

#pro #angular #firestore #forms

Angular Reactive Forms Basics Guide

Master the basics of Reactive Forms in Angular by building five different forms from scratch.

#angular #forms

Build an Angular Library With NgPackagr

Build your own Angular library and publish it to NPM

#pro #angular

Angular Elements Guide

Build web components with Angular Elements

#angular #web-components

NGXS Quick Start

How to use NGXS for state management in Angular


Check for Signed-in User in AngularFire

Check if Current User is Signed-In or for data existence in AngularFire

#angular #firebase

Combine Firestore Collections into a Single Array Observable

Combine Firestore collections via AngularFire, while maintaining realtime listeners

#angular #firebase #firestore

Typeahead Autocomplete with Firestore

Build a typeahead autocomplete search form with Firestore by implementing advanced data querying methods.

#typescript #pro #rxjs #angular

Angular Reactive Forms Async Validation

Build a custom validator for Angular Reactive Forms that checks a username asynchronously in Firestore

#pro #angular #firebase #rxjs

Mobile Touch Animation with HammerJS

Animate mobile touch gestures using HammerJS

#animation #angular

Material Data Tables With Firestore

Build a realtime Angular Material data table with Firestore and edit data with a dialog modal.

#angular #firebase #firestore #pro

Role Based Authorization With Firestore

Implement role-based authorization with Firestore

#firebase #firestore #angular

Angular Testing Guide

Use test-driven development in Angular with Firebase

#angular #testing #firebase

PWA Performance Optimization Tips

Performance analysis and optimization tips for Progressive Web Apps

#pro #pwa #javascript #angular

Multi-step Reactive Form for Email-Password Signup

Build a multi-step reactive form for email-password auth with Firebase

#angular #firebase #auth

Middleware for Rendertron

Configure Firebase Cloud Functions to serve as the middleware for Rendertron

#pro #seo #angular #cloud-functions

Angular SEO with Rendertron

Use Rendertron to make Angular SEO and linkbot friendly

#seo #angular #puppeteer

Star Ratings System With Firestore

Build a five-star rating system from scratch with Firestore

#firestore #firebase #angular

Http With Angular Quick Start

Use the Angular HTTP Client and to make requests to API endpoints


Infinite Scroll Firestore Angular

Perform infinite scroll pagination, both downwards and upwards, with Firestore and Angular.

#firestore #firebase #angular

Build a Weather App with Angular

Build a weather forecasting app with the Angular HTTP Client and Dark Sky API

#pro #angular #node

Desktop Apps with Electron and Angular

Learn how to build native desktop apps for Windows, macOS, or Linux using Angular and Electron

#electron #angular

Angular NgRx Starter Guide

Get started building redux apps in Angular with NgRx

#ngrx #angular

Build Realtime Maps with Mapbox GL

Build realtime map features with Angular, Firebase, and Mapbox

#angular #mapbox #firebase

Angular Animations Examples

Five basic animation techniques and examples based on Angular

#angular #animation

Firebase Phone Authentication

Use the Firebase to implement Phone authentication on the web.

#angular #firebase #auth

Facebook-Inspired Reactions From Scratch

Build a Facebook-inspired reaction component to allow users to like or react to your content.

#angular #firebase

Angular Toast Message Notifications From Scratch

Send toast notifications to users with Angular and Firebase.

#angular #firebase

Twitter Inspired Follow System with Firebase

Create a twitter-inspired follow unfollow system with Angular and Firebase

#angular #firebase

Custom Usernames With Firebase Authentication and Angular

Give Firebase users custom usernames after and validate them asynchronously

#angular #firebase

Reddit Style Upvoting in Angular 4 and Firebase

Create a Reddit-Style Voting System from Scratch with Angular and Firebase

#firebase #angular

Sharing Data between Angular Components - Four Methods

Four different methods for sharing data between Angular components.


Reactive Crud App With Angular and Firebase Tutorial

Build a CRUD app that manages a basic list of items - create, read, update, delete.

#firebase #angular