Algolia Instantsearch with Angular

This tutorial is an extension of the [Algolia Cloud Functions Guide](/lessons/algolia-cloud-functions/). You must have the Cloud Functions deployed to start making instant search queries from your frontend app.

Install Instantsearch

Algolia provides official Angular support. Follow the installation steps to make the prebuilt components available in your app.

Angular Instantsearch Component

file_type_html search.component.html
    appId: 'YOUR-APP-ID',
    indexName: 'customers',
    routing: true

    <ng-template let-hits="hits" let-results="results">
        <div *ngIf="hits.length === 0">
            No results found matching <strong>{{results.query}}</strong>.
        <div *ngIf="results.query">
            <div *ngFor="let hit of hits" class="content">
                <img [src]="hit.avatar">
                    <h3>{{hit.username}} {{hit.objectID}}</h3>
                    <ais-highlight attribute="bio" [hit]="hit"></ais-highlight>



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