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David East
The most concise and frequent YouTube channel for Firebase and general Web development videos. Subscribe if you haven't, you won't be disappointed 🔥
Andrea Bizzotto
I have a few programming idols. My current favorite is @Jeffdelaney23 of @fireship_dev.
Maarten Tibau
I really need to dive into the new @fireship_dev content... it is SOOOO GOOD!! And if you're able to afford it, buy yourself a life time subscription to @Jeffdelaney23 's content... it is worth EVERY cent, I promise! (he also has a lot of free content as well) #truthtobetold
Minko Gechev
@fireship_dev has some fantastic content. If you have not subscribed on YouTube, you should.
K J Sudarshan
💖 I'm sponsoring @jeffdelaney23 because even his free content on YouTube under the channel Fireship is top-notch. In order to promote learning to everyone else and value Jeff for his time and efforts, it becomes our primary responsibility to support him.
Joseph Koller
@fireship_dev has a f**king awesome YouTube channel with development stuff. First I was like this is for absolute beginners but noooo, it has surprisingly amazing content even for pros.
I know you probably have a list, but if you had to pick just one favourite coding related YouTube channel, what would it be?


I pick brilliant @fireship_dev
If I am a developer today, it's because of @Jeffdelaney23's tutorial videos on his channel @fireship_dev. Found him in 2017 for Angular+Firebase. When I moved to #Flutter, he still was there. #ML and I'm still watching his videos. Thanks a lot Jeff!
Hey @Jeffdelaney23 thank you for your YouTube channel. You have done some truly ingenious work. Your videos are super helpful, detailed, concise and exactly what they should be teaching in paid courses.

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