
Pro lessons cover advanced app development topics and are available exclusively to current members. Pro
The Firestore Data Modeling Course
Interested in Pro? Invest in your learning with a PRO membership for unlimited access to The Firestore Data Modeling Course

React - The full course

Learn the fundamentals of React.js by building five apps from scratch.

#react #javascript #nextjs #firebase #pro

Using Riverpod with Firebase in Flutter

Use Riverpod to manage Firebase auth state and relational realtime data in Firestore

#pro #flutter #firebase

Flutter Firebase - The Full Course

Build a full-stack Flutter app with Firebase from scratch.

#flutter #dart #firebase #firestore #pro

VS Code Magic Tricks Course

Write code faster with VS Code tips, tricks, and best practices

#vscode #productivity #pro

Next.js Firebase Full Course

Build a full-stack app with React, Firebase, and Next.js

#react #nextjs #firebase #firestore #pro

Stripe Payments JavaScript Course

A full Stripe Payments Course using Node.js & React

#stripe #node #pro #react #cloud-functions #firebase

Dart - The Full Course

Master the fundamentals of Dart before jumping into a Flutter

#dart #flutter #pro

React Native Firebase Chat Demo

Build a mobile chat app with React Native, Firebase and Firestore

#pro #react #react-native #firebase

Flutter Firebase Chat Demo

Build a chat app with Flutter, Firebase, and Firestore

#pro #flutter #firebase

Realtime Charts with D3

Build an animated realtime data visualization with D3 and Firebase

#pro #d3 #firebase #javascript

Animated Notifications with Framer Motion

An advanced tutorial using Framer Motion to create animated notifications.

#pro #react #animation

Git & GitHub Full Course

Master the fundamentals of Git and GitHub from the ground up

#git #github #pro

Firebase v9 Migration

How to migrate to the new Firebase V9 JavaScript SDK. A complete guide.

#pro #javascript #firebase

Custom Usernames in Firebase

How to implement and validate custom usernames for Firebase users with Cloud Firestore

#pro #firebase #firestore #authentication

Firebase Security Course

Secure your Firebase app by mastering security rules

#firebase #security #javascript #firestore #pro

Fulltext Search on Firebase with Meilisearch

Build and deploy a fulltext search engine for your Firestore data with Meilisearch.

#pro #meilisearch #firestore #cloud-functions

Firebase Emulator Advanced Usage Guide

Advanced techniques for generating mock data and testing with the Firebase emulator suite

#firebase #productivity #testing #pro

Access Google APIs for Users with OAuth 2.0

How to use Google APIs on behalf of users with Node.js Cloud Functions and Firebase

#pro #firebase #node #cloud-functions

Google Secret Manager with Firebase

Use Secret Manager to handle sensitive data in Firebase Cloud Functions

#firebase #cloud-functions #gcp #pro

Flutter Firebase - The Full Course

Build a full-stack Flutter app with Firebase from scratch.

#flutter #dart #firebase #firestore #pro

Multifactor Auth with Firebase (2FA)

How to perform multifactor authentication (2FA) with SMS text verification using Firebase

#firebase #auth #pro

The Vue Firebase Project Course

Build a realtime voice chat PWA with Vue and Firebase from scratch.

#pro #vue #pwa #firebase #firestore

Firestore Rate Limiting

Advanced security rules and techniques for rate-limiting Firestore writes.

#firebase #firestore #security #pro

Advanced Firebase Auth with Custom Claims

Implement role-based user authorization and security rules by adding custom claims to the Firebase Auth ID token.

#firebase #auth #pro

The Angular Firebase Project Course

Build a high-performance PWA with Angular and Firebase from scratch.

#pro #angular #pwa #firebase #firestore #node #cloud-run

Ionic 4 Firebase Master Course

Build a cross-platform app from scratch with Ionic 4, Angular, and Firebase.

#ionic #angular #firebase #pro

Firestore Queries and Data Modeling

Learn how to query and model data in Firestore by example.

#firestore #firebase #nosql #pro

Stripe Payments Cloud Functions

Build a complete Stripe Payments flow on Firebase Cloud Functions

#cloud-functions #firebase #serverless #stripe #payments #node #pro

Using the Google Calendar API

Authorize users to retrieve and create Google Calendar events.

#pro #google-calendar #firebase

Advanced Firestore Usage Guide with Angular

A variety of tips and snippets that make AngularFire v5 and Firestore easier to use.

#pro #firestore #firebase #angular

Auto-save Reactive Form with Firestore

Build reactive forms that preload and autosave data with Firestore

#pro #angular #firestore #forms

Test Firebase Cloud Functions with Jest

Apply test-driven development to your Firebase Cloud Functions with Jest

#pro #typescript #jest #cloud-functions

Build an Angular Library With NgPackagr

Build your own Angular library and publish it to NPM

#pro #angular

CSV to Firestore

Build a Node CLI utility that imports data from a CSV file to Firestore

#pro #firebase #firestore #node

Typeahead Autocomplete with Firestore

Build a typeahead autocomplete search form with Firestore by implementing advanced data querying methods.

#typescript #pro #rxjs #angular

Angular Reactive Forms Async Validation

Build a custom validator for Angular Reactive Forms that checks a username asynchronously in Firestore

#pro #angular #firebase #rxjs

Advanced Data Modeling with Firestore by Example

Deal with advanced data modeling scenarios in NoSQL

#pro #firebase #firestore

Extract Text from Images

Advanced Google Cloud Vision API techniques with Node.js Firebase Cloud Functions

#pro #cloud-functions #node

Material Data Tables With Firestore

Build a realtime Angular Material data table with Firestore and edit data with a dialog modal.

#angular #firebase #firestore #pro

PWA Performance Optimization Tips

Performance analysis and optimization tips for Progressive Web Apps

#pro #pwa #javascript #angular

CSV Exports from Firestore

Convert Firestore data into a CSV Excel Spreadsheet with Firebase Cloud Functions.

#pro #cloud-functions #node

Middleware for Rendertron

Configure Firebase Cloud Functions to serve as the middleware for Rendertron

#pro #seo #angular #cloud-functions

Build a Weather App with Angular

Build a weather forecasting app with the Angular HTTP Client and Dark Sky API

#pro #angular #node

Secure Firebase Cloud Functions for Authenticated Users

Run HTTP and Database Cloud Functions when a user is logged-in

#firebase #security #pro

Push Notifications on the Web

Send web push notifications to multiple devices with Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firestore

#push-notifications #firebase #fcm #pro