How to migrate to the new Firebase V9 JavaScript SDK. A complete guide. 1862 words.
Last Updated
The Firebase team recently released a new web SDK that utilizes tree-shaking in order to lower JavaScript bundle sizes when used with module bundlers like Webpack and Rollup. At a high level, it works by only importing the functions/classes/code that we actually NEED, versus importing entire modules like auth, firestore, and so on. The Fireship site was able to reduce its JavaScript bundle size by ~35% 🤯 by upgrading to the new version.
Below is a guide for migrating from Firebase version 8 or older to version 9+. This lesson is designed as a reference that can be used for converting an existing app in production, starting a new project from scratch, or making adjustments to your code while going through a past Fireship tutorial.
In this article, we will do a side-by-side comparison of the old and new versions of the Firebase SDK:
- Initializing Firebase, Authentication, and Firestore
- Sign-in with Google as a provider, email/password, sign out, and the auth state listener
- Add/read/update/delete documents && collections, timestamps, querying data, and using batch operations
Also watch the more basic Firebase v9 overview on YouTube.
// Your projects firebase configuration
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "<apiKey>",
authDomain: "<authDomain>",
projectId: "<projectId>",
storageBucket: "storageBucket",
messagingSenderId: "<messagingSenderId>",
appId: "<appId>",
measurementId: "<measurementId>",
export default firebaseConfig;
v8 and earlier:
import firebaseConfig from "./firebaseConfig";
import firebase from "firebase/app";
import "firebase/auth";
import "firebase/firestore";
// Initialize firebase
if (!firebase.apps.length) {
// Initialize and export auth && firestore
export const auth = firebase.auth();
export const firestore = firebase.firestore();
export default firebase;
v9 and later:
import firebaseConfig from "./firebaseConfig";
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
import { getAuth } from "firebase/auth";
import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore";
// Initialize firebase
const firebaseApp = initializeApp(config);
// Initialize auth && firestore with the 'firebaseApp' property
export const auth = getAuth(firebaseApp);
export const firestore = getFirestore(firebaseApp);
export default firebaseApp;
Sign in with Google (auth provider)
v8 and earlier:
import firebase, { auth } from "./firebaseInit";
// Sign in with popup && Google as the provider
const googleProvider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
export const googleSignIn = async () => {
await auth
.then((user) => {
.catch((error) => {
v9 and later:
import { auth } from "./firebaseInit";
import { GoogleAuthProvider, signInWithPopup } from "firebase/auth";
// Sign in with popup && Google as the provider
const googleProvider = new GoogleAuthProvider();
export const googleSignIn = async () => {
await signInWithPopup(auth, googleProvider)
.then((user) => {
.catch((error) => {
Sign in with email and password
v8 and earlier:
import { auth } from "./firebaseInit";
// Sign in with Email and password
const emailSignIn = async (email, password) => {
await auth
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then((userCredential) => {
.catch((error) => {
v9 and later:
import { auth } from "./firebaseInit";
import { signInWithEmailAndPassword } from "firebase/auth";
// Sign in with Email and password
const emailSignIn = async (email, password) => {
await signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password)
.then((userCredential) => {
.catch((error) => {
Sign out
v8 and earlier:
import { auth } from "./firebaseInit";
// Sign out
const signOutUser = async () => {
await auth.currentUser
.then(() => {
console.log("User signed out");
.catch((error) => {
v9 and later:
import { auth } from "./firebaseInit";
import { signOut } from "firebase/auth";
// Sign out
const signOutUser = async () => {
await signOut(auth)
.then(() => {
console.log("User signed out");
.catch((error) => {
console.error("There was an error signing out");
Auth state listener
v8 and earlier:
import { auth } from "./firebaseInit";
let signedIn = false;
auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
// User is signed in
signIn = true;
} else {
// No user signed in
signedIn = false;
v9 and later:
import { auth } from "./firebaseInit";
import { onAuthStateChanged } from "firebase/auth";
let signedIn = false;
onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
if (user) {
// User is signed in
signIn = true;
} else {
// No user signed in
signedIn = false;
Add/Set a document
v8 and earlier:
import { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
// Collection/doc ref
const collectionRef = firestore.collection("some-collection");
const documentRef = firestore.doc("some-collection/some-doc-name");
// Add a document to a collection | Option #1
const addDocOption1 = async () => {
await collectionRef.doc("some-doc-name").set({
contents: "some-data",
// Add a document to a collection | Option #2
const addDocOption2 = async () => {
await documentRef.set({
contents: "some-data",
// Add a document to a collection (with an auto assigned doc ID) | Option #1
const addDocWithAutoIdOption1 = async () => {
await collectionRef.add({
contents: "some-data",
// Add a document to a collection (with an auto assigned doc ID) | Option #2
const addDocWithAutoIdOption2 = async () => {
await collectionRef.set({
contents: "some-data",
v9 and later:
import { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
import { addDoc, setDoc, doc,, collection } from "firebase/firestore";
// Collection/doc ref
const collectionRef = collection(firestore, "some-collection");
const documentRef = doc(firestore, "some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Add a document to a collection | Option #1
const addDocOption1 = async () => {
await setDoc(collectionRef, "some-doc-name", {
contents: "some-data",
// Add a document to a collection | Option #2
const addDocOption2 = async () => {
await setDoc(documentRef, {
contents: "some-data",
// Add a document to a collection (with an auto assigned doc ID) | Option #1
const addDocWithAutoIdOption1 = async () => {
await addDoc(collectionRef, {
contents: "some-data",
// Add a document to a collection (with an auto assigned doc ID) | Option #2
const addDocWithAutoIdOption2 = async () => {
await setDoc(collectionRef, {
contents: "some-data",
// Merging a document if it exists
const mergeExisitngDoc = async () => {
await setDoc(
contents: "some-data",
{ merge: true }
Update/delete a document
v8 and earlier:
import firebase, { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
// Collection/doc ref
const collectionRef = firestore.collection("some-collection");
const documentRef = firestore.doc("some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Update/merge a document if it exists
const mergeExisitngDoc = async () => {
await documentRef
contents: "some-data",
{ merge: true }
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
// Update a document if it exists
const updateExisitngDoc = async () => {
await documentRef
contents: "some-data",
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
// Deleting a document
const deleteDoc = async () => {
await documentRef
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
// Add/update elements in an array
const arrayAdd = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion();
const updateAnArray = async () => {
await documentRef.update({
recentUpdates: arrayAdd("8/17/2021"),
// Remove elements in an array
const arrayRemove = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove();
const RemoveArrayItem = async () => {
await documentRef.update({
recentUpdates: arrayRemove("7/04/2021"),
v9 and later:
import { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
import {
} from "firebase/firestore";
// Collection/doc ref
const collectionRef = collection(firestore, "some-collection");
const documentRef = doc(firestore, "some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Update/merge a document if it exists
const mergeExisitngDoc = async () => {
await setDoc(
contents: "some-data",
{ merge: true }
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
// Update a document if it exists
const updateExisitngDoc = async () => {
await updateDoc(documentRef, {
contents: "some-data",
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
// Deleting a document
const deleteDoc = async () => {
await deleteDoc(documentRef)
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
// Add/update elements in an array
const updateAnArray = async () => {
await updateDoc(documentRef, {
recentUpdates: arrayUnion("8/17/2021"),
// Remove elements in an array
const RemoveArrayItem = async () => {
await updateDoc(documentRef, {
recentUpdates: arrayRemove("7/04/2021"),
Server timestamps and incrementing counters
v8 and earlier:
import firebase, { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
// Doc ref
const documentRef = firestore.doc("some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Timestamp
const timestamp = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();
const useTimestamp = async () => {
await documentRef.set({
createdAt: timestamp,
// Increment/decrement a numeric value/counter
const increment = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment();
const incrementCounter = async () => {
await documentRef.update({
increasingValue: increment(33),
decreasingValue: increment(-13),
v9 and later:
import { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
import { serverTimestamp, increment, doc } from "firebase/firestore";
// Doc ref
const documentRef = doc(firestore, "some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Timestamp
const timestamp = serverTimestamp();
const useTimestamp = async () => {
await setDoc(collectionRef, {
createdAt: timestamp,
// Increment/decrement a numeric value/counter
const incrementCounter = async () => {
await updateDoc(documentRef, {
increasingValue: increment(33),
decreasingValue: increment(-13),
Batch operations
v8 and earlier:
import firebase, { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
// Doc ref
const documentRef = firestore.doc("some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Get a new batch
const batch = firestore.batch();
// Set a batch value
batch.set(documentRef, { contents: "some-data" });
// Batch update
batch.update(documentRef, { contents: "some-updated-data" });
// Batch delete
// Commit the batch
const commitBatch = async () => {
await batch
.then(() => {
console.log("Batch operation successful");
.catch((error) => {
v9 and later:
import { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
import { writeBatch, doc } from "firebase/firestore";
// Doc ref
const documentRef = doc(firestore, "some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Get a new batch
const batch = writeBatch(firestore);
// Set a batch value
batch.set(documentRef, { contents: "some-data" });
// Batch update
batch.update(documentRef, { contents: "some-updated-data" });
// Batch delete
// Commit the batch
const commitBatch = async () => {
await batch
.then(() => {
console.log("Batch operation successful");
.catch((error) => {
Querying and reading data
v8 and earlier:
import { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
// Collection/doc ref
const collectionRef = firestore.collection("some-collection");
const documentRef = firestore.doc("some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Get/read a document once
const getDocData = async () => {
await documentRef.get().then((doc) => {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;
// Use a query to get collection docs
const getCollectionDocs = async () => {
const collectionQuery = collectionRef.where("some-data", "==", true);
await collectionQuery.get().then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const data =;
// Use a query with collection listener
const collectionListener = () => {
collectionQuery.onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
let dataArray = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
}); => console.log(d));
v9 and later:
import { firestore } from "./firebaseInit";
import {
} from "firebase/firestore";
// Collection/doc ref
const collectionRef = collection(firestore, "some-collection");
const documentRef = doc(firestore, "some-collection", "some-doc-name");
// Get/read a document once
const getDocData = async () => {
const docSnap = await getDoc(documentRef);
if (docSnap.exists()) {
console.log("Document data:",;
// Use a query to get collection docs
const getCollectionDocs = async (collection) => {
const collectionQuery = query(
where("some-data", "==", true),
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collectionQuery);
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const data =;
// Use a query with collection listener
const collectionListener = (collection) => {
const collectionQuery = query(collectionRef, where("some-data", "==", true));
onSnapshot(collectionQuery, (querySnapshot) => {
let dataArray = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
}); => console.log(d));
The Firebase team recently released a new web SDK that utilizes tree-shaking in order to lower JavaScript bundle sizes when used with module bundlers like Webpack and Rollup. At a high level, it works by only importing the functions/classes/code that we actually NEED, versus importing entire modules like auth, firestore, and so on. The Fireship site was able to reduce its JavaScript bundle size by ~35% 🤯 by upgrading to the new version.
Below is a guide for migrating from Firebase version 8 or older to version 9+. This lesson is designed as a reference that can be used for converting an existing app in production, starting a new project from scratch, or making adjustments to your code while going through a past Fireship tutorial.
In this article, we will do a side-by-side comparison of the …
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