Custom Usernames in Firebase

Firebase assigns each user a unique ID upon signing up, but many apps require users to choose their own custom unique username, which is not an out-of-box feature in Firebase. Think of apps like Twitter or Medium, where each user’s profile can be visited on a user like{username}. The following lesson demonstrates how to securely create and validate custom usernames for Firebase users by combining Cloud Firestore.

Demo of custom usernames in Firebase

Demo of custom usernames in Firebase


  • Each user must have a unique username.
  • Username will not change after initial selection.
The username is unique, while the displayname is not

The username is unique, while the displayname is not

Data Model

The data model requires two root collections users and usernames. They use a simple reverse mapping (point to each other) that enables uniqueness validation.

User Profile Document

The user profile document contains public information about the user, including the username value.

The user document is used for public-facing data

The user document is used for public-facing data

Username Document

The username document has an ID that matches the username, thus guaranteeing uniqueness. This document will be fetched when the user chooses a username to inform them whether or not their choice is available.

The username document is used for uniqueness validation

The username document is used for uniqueness validation

Frontend Implementation


First, sign in the user with any authentication method.

file_type_js_official app.js
const auth = firebase.auth();
const firestore = firebase.firestore();


Validate Username Selection

Create a form input where the user can type their username. After each change to the form input, make a request to Firestore to check if the username exists. If it does NOT exist, show a green check mark saying username is available. If it does exists, show an error saying username taken.

Optimization. Reduce the number of reads sent to the database by wrapping this function in a debounce to wait for the user to stop typing before sending the request.

file_type_html index.html
    <input id="username" />
file_type_js_official app.js
// Your username form input
const formInput = document.getElementById('username');

// State
let usernameAvailable = false;

// Wrap in debounce to prevent unnecessary reads

formInput.onchange = debounce ( async(event) => {

    // When form input changes, check existence of the matching username doc in db

    const username =;

    if (username.length >= 3 && username.length <= 15) {
        const ref = firestore.doc(`usernames/${username}`);
        const { exists } = await ref.get();
        usernameAvailable = !exists;

}, 500)

Commit Username as Batch Write

Both documents are created in a batch, ensuring that they will be created successfully together (or fail together).

file_type_js_official app.js
const form = document.getElementByTagName('form');

form.onsubmit = async(username) => {

    // Get the current user
    const user = auth.currentUser;

    // Create refs for both documents
    const userDoc = firestore.doc(`users/${user.uid}`);
    const usernameDoc = firestore.doc(`usernames/${username}`);

    // Commit both docs together as a batch write. 
    const batch = firestore.batch();
    batch.set(userDoc, { username });
    batch.set(usernameDoc, { uid: user.uid });

    await batch.commit()

Backend Security

The rules below use batch write tools like getAfter to fetch a document as-if the batch write has been completed. The rules solve a variety of potential security issues:

Rules for Batch Write

  1. Username must be unique.
  2. Username must be formatted properly, and be between 3 & 15 characters.
  3. Username cannot exist without user profile, and vice versa.
  4. Users cannot modify their username after creation.
  5. Users cannot spam the database with username docs.
file_type_firebase firestore.rules
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {

      match /users/{userId} {
      	allow read;
        allow create: if isValidUser(userId);
      function isValidUser(userId) {
        let isOwner = request.auth.uid == userId;
      	let username =;
        let createdValidUsername = existsAfter(/databases/$(database)/documents/usernames/$(username));
        return isOwner && createdValidUsername;
      match /usernames/{username} {
      	allow read;
        allow create: if isValidUsername(username);
      function isValidUsername(username) {
        let isOwner = request.auth.uid ==;
        let isValidLength = username.size() >= 3 && username.size() <= 15;
        let isValidUserDoc = getAfter(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.uid)).data.username == username;
        return isOwner && isValidLength && isValidUserDoc;     

Firebase assigns each user a unique ID upon signing up, but many apps require users to choose their own custom unique username, which is not an out-of-box feature in Firebase. Think of apps like Twitter or Medium, where each user’s profile can be visited on a user like{username}. The following lesson demonstrates how to securely create and validate custom usernames for Firebase users by combining Cloud Firestore.

Demo of custom usernames in Firebase

Demo of custom usernames in Firebase


  • Each user must have a unique username.
  • Username will not change after initial selection.
The username is unique, while the displayname is …</figure> 

                  <allow-if level=

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