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Flutter Provider with Firebase

Advanced state management techniques when working with Firebase Auth & Firestore in Flutter applications.

#flutter #firebase #firestore #advanced

Firebase Performance Quickstart

Learn how to get up and running with Firebase Performance in an Angular app.

#firebase #performance #angular

Flutter Drag and Drop Basics

Learn how to create an interactive drag-and-drop UI in Flutter.


Svelte Realtime Todo List with Firebase

Build a realtime ToDo list with Svelte 3 and Firebase (RxFire)

#svelte #firebase #rxjs

Dynamic Scheduled Background Jobs in Firebase

Trigger Cloud Functions based on cron time intervals and create a task queue for dynamically scheduled jobs.

#cloud-functions #pubsub #firebase

Firebase Microservices With Cloud Run

How to use Cloud Run on GCP to covert a Docker container into a serverless microservice.

#cloud-run #gcp #firebase #vue

Flutter Flare 2D Animation Basics

Build an animated navigation menu in Flutter with Flare2D

#flutter #flare2d #animation

Use Coder to Run VS Code on Google Cloud

Run VS Code on Google Cloud and configure it for remote frontend development.

#vscode #gcp

Top Ten RxJS Concepts

Code this, not that! RxJS Edition.

#rxjs #javascript

Flutter Firestore Animated SlideShow

Build an animated and filterable slideshow with FlutterFire - inspired by the Reflectly app.

#flutter #firestore #firebase #animation

BigQuery ML Quickstart

Use BigQuery to process massive amounts of data for analysis and machine learning.

#machine-learning #big-query #sql #python

Flutter State Management Guide

A guided tour of reactive state management strategies in Flutter

#flutter #dart #rxdart

Stripe Elements and Checkout with Angular

Create a form that collects and validates credit card details in Angular with Stripe Elements & Checkout.

#stripe #angular #firebase #payments

Flutter Animated Radial Menu

Compose staggered transform animations in Flutter by building a radial menu from scratch.

#flutter #dart #animation

Trusted Web Activity - PWA to Play Store Guide

A step-by-step guide for publishing your PWA as a native app in the Google Play Store via a trusted web activity (TWA).

#pwa #twa #android #javascript

Upload Multiple Files to Firebase Storage with Angular

Build a dropzone file uploader in Angular that can send multiple files to Firebase storage simultaneously.

#firebase #angular #cloud-storage

Flutter Realtime Geolocation Firebase

Build a basic realtime geolocation app that can query data within a radius using Flutter, Firestore, and Google Maps.

#google-maps #firestore #firebase #flutter

Working with Firestore Arrays

Tips and tricks for Firestore array queries and writes

#firebase #firestore

Angular Router Animations Guide

Build beautiful router animations in Angular to transition between page changes.

#angular #animation

TypeScript Decorators by Example

Learn how to use TypeScript decorators to create elegant abstractions with JavaScript code.

#typescript #react #angular

Flutter Widget Positioning - A Guide for the CSS Developer

Learn how to position, align, and build layouts with Flutter widgets, including comparisons to CSS and flexbox.

#dart #flutter #css

Realtime Presence with Angular + Firebase

Build a realtime user presence system with AngularFire to detect when a user is online, offline, or away.

#angular #realtimedb #firebase

Angular Universal SSR with Firebase

A comprehensive guide to server-side rendering with Angular Universal and Firebase

#angular #firebase #cloud-functions #node

Flutter for JavaScript Developers

A guide to Dart and Flutter for JavaScript Developers who have experience with React Native and Ionic

#dart #flutter #javascript #typescript