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Http With Angular Quick Start
Use the Angular HTTP Client and to make requests to API endpoints
#angularInfinite Scroll Firestore Angular
Perform infinite scroll pagination, both downwards and upwards, with Firestore and Angular.
#firestore #firebase #angularBuild a Weather App with Angular
Build a weather forecasting app with the Angular HTTP Client and Dark Sky API
#pro #angular #nodeSecure Firebase Cloud Functions for Authenticated Users
Run HTTP and Database Cloud Functions when a user is logged-in
#firebase #security #proDesktop Apps with Electron and Angular
Learn how to build native desktop apps for Windows, macOS, or Linux using Angular and Electron
#electron #angularPush Notifications on the Web
Send web push notifications to multiple devices with Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firestore
#push-notifications #firebase #fcm #proBuild Realtime Maps with Mapbox GL
Build realtime map features with Angular, Firebase, and Mapbox
#angular #mapbox #firebaseAngular Animations Examples
Five basic animation techniques and examples based on Angular
#angular #animationFirebase Phone Authentication
Use the Firebase to implement Phone authentication on the web.
#angular #firebase #authFacebook-Inspired Reactions From Scratch
Build a Facebook-inspired reaction component to allow users to like or react to your content.
#angular #firebaseAngular Toast Message Notifications From Scratch
Send toast notifications to users with Angular and Firebase.
#angular #firebaseTwitter Inspired Follow System with Firebase
Create a twitter-inspired follow unfollow system with Angular and Firebase
#angular #firebaseText Translator With Firebase Cloud Functions Onwrite and Angular
Translate text in the cloud with Firebase Cloud Functions
#node #cloud-functionsCustom Usernames With Firebase Authentication and Angular
Give Firebase users custom usernames after and validate them asynchronously
#angular #firebaseReddit Style Upvoting in Angular 4 and Firebase
Create a Reddit-Style Voting System from Scratch with Angular and Firebase
#firebase #angularSharing Data between Angular Components - Four Methods
Four different methods for sharing data between Angular components.
#angularReactive Crud App With Angular and Firebase Tutorial
Build a CRUD app that manages a basic list of items - create, read, update, delete.
#firebase #angular