Installation and Setup Install Flutter and native IDEs

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  1. Install Flutter and run flutter doctor.
  2. Add Flutter to your Path
  3. Download Android Studio and configure an Emulator.
  4. Download XCode (MacOS)


The current version of this course uses the following dependencies. For the most reliable results, you should use the same versions.

Flutter & Firebase regularly update these packages and later versions may break the code in this course, so update them at your own risk.

file_type_dartlang pubspec.yaml
    sdk: flutter

  cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2

  firebase_core: 0.4.4+3
  firebase_analytics: 5.0.11

  cloud_firestore: 0.13.4+2

  firebase_auth: 0.15.5+3
  google_sign_in: 4.4.1
  apple_sign_in: 0.1.0

  rxdart: 0.23.1
  provider: 4.0.5
  font_awesome_flutter: 8.8.1


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