Upload Upload the audio file to Firebase Storage and link it to a Firestore document

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Chat Room Component

Add file uploads.

import { db, storage } from '../firebase';

export default {
  data() {
      return {
          newMessageText: '',
          loading: false,
          messages: [],
          newAudio: null,
          recorder: null,
  computed: {
    messagesCollection() {
      return db.doc(`chats/${this.chatId}`).collection('messages');
    newAudioURL() {
      return URL.createObjectURL(this.newAudio);
  methods: {
      // omitted ...
    async addMessage(uid) {

        this.loading = true;

        let audioURL = null;

        const { id: messageId } = this.messagesCollection.doc();

        if (this.newAudio) {
          const storageRef = storage

            await storageRef.put(this.newAudio);

          audioURL = await storageRef.getDownloadURL();

         await this.messagesCollection.doc(messageId).set({
            text: this.newMessageText,
            sender: uid,
            createdAt: Date.now(),

        this.loading = false;
        this.newMessageText = '';
        this.newAudio = null;


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